Creator of the following programs

Ā Hi, I'm Kelly

I am honored you are here!

I am a Metabolic Health, Functional Nutrition, and Mindset Specialist

I help success driven women address metabolic root causes & develop habits that achieve a fit lean body and a life filled with energy.

Scroll down to learn more about me...

"Here are some of the things that set me apart and allows me to achieve long-lasting results for my clients."

  • I am the creator of the Metabolism Reboot Academy, The Gorgeous Life Method, & Becoming which has helped hundreds of women go from feeling stressed, stuck, overwhelmed and over weight to living a life of freedom and ease.

  • 30+ years of wellness experience as a certified specialist in functional nutrition, mindset, and more (see below).

  • Expertise in the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems as well as the brain's role in processing sensory information that relates to weight loss/gain.

  • The ability to understand and address underlying root causes of weight gain and other health issues.

  • Skilled at working with women who have complex and layered cases; physically and mentally.

  • Gut Restoration experience andĀ  expertise.
  • Integrative approach thatĀ considers a whole body approach. Gut, brain, hormones, the endocrine system, and more.



I know what it's like to struggle with weight loss, hormone imbalances, and poor overall health.

I used to cope with my feelings by binging on alcohol and food, and later on I tried to control my weight by working out excessively and eating very little. But those unhealthy behaviors led to severe hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and even an autoimmune disease and thyroid disorder.Ā But I didn't give up.

I realized that I needed to change my mindset from one of restriction and deprivation to one of abundance and empowerment. I took action and started to heal myself on many levels.


This is why I devoted my life to learning and creating The Metabolism Reboot Academy andĀ The Gorgeous Life Method.

It's not just about losing weight, it's about finding balance and peace in your life.


And I can show you how.

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